
Sundays | 9:00 am | Room 607-610 | In Person & Online

Led by

Tonja Brice | Laurie Graffo | Sherri Rodriguez

SWC is an Adult Bible Class for women that meets on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. to “grow in grace and truth” like Jesus (John 1:14, 17). We study God’s word for three reasons:

  1. We want to become literate in God’s Word: What does the Scripture say? What does the Scripture mean?

  2. Our study is a gateway into the praise of God. We study the truth to see God, and as we do, we worship His excellent greatness.

  3. As we see God more clearly, we allow ourselves to be disturbed, comforted, and challenged by this truth, which leads to continuous growth in sanctification and transformation.

SWC seeks to be a true community for women to create connections through our study and outreach activities supporting ministries that impact the lives of women and children.