
Summer Series: Kingdom Builders

This series explores the roles of four kingdom builders—Daniel, Ezra, Esther, and Nehemiah—in spiritual, community, and social reform for the nation of Israel, the hearts of which can be applied individually and corporately to us today.



MAY 17:


The Kingdom Builders series begins with the prophet Daniel, who faithfully served in a culture that challenged every belief. Confident in God's promise of deliverance from captivity, Daniel interceded on behalf his people. 
Listen to the audio from this message:



Ezra was both priest and scribe, used as God’s conduit for spiritual reform, renewal, and restoration. His story invites each of us to examine our own hearts and prepare our body as God’s current “temple” and living sacrifice on earth, until He returns.
Listen to the audio from this message:

JULY 12:


Esther was strategically and providentially positioned by God in the culture to influence society and provide deliverance from an edict of annihilation over God’s people. She reminds us we can trust God’s heart through His providence, even when we can’t always see His hand at the time. Esther speaks to us in a special way as women for this moment in God’s eternal timeline!
Listen to the audio from this message:



Nehemiah, cup-bearer to the king, offers a vision for not only our entire family but also the family of God in community. In this role, he encouraged all with whom he had influence to move in God’s timing. The entire nation, family by family, was put into action as he oversaw the repairs of the walls and gates of Jerusalem.
Listen to the audio from this message: